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Rebekah Tucker | Sydney, NSW

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In our constant pursuit to arm you with tools to become a sales master, we recently released a new book titled, Winning From Failing, by Sandler Trainer, Josh Seibert. While there are entirely too many teachings in the book to list here, below we have highlighted a few that encompass the essence of the book and are important takeaways for managers.

Point Number One: Adults Don’t Learn the Way Most Think They Do

Exposure does not equate to learning. Just because your sales team is exposed to facts, does not mean that they will learn or become more knowledgeable. Memorization is not equivalent to understanding, and it doesn’t breed growth. There has to be a natural progression from acquiring knowledge, to the application of that knowledge, skill development, and adopting new habits. Once you develop a method to ensure that this progression is adopted amongst your team, you will be better equipped to help your team learn and grow, and you will see a gradual increase in performance.

Point Number Two: Adults Learn Best in a Learning Culture

This teaching describes how to combat the backwards logic that pervades most books and “expert” training programs out there. Sandler teaches you to create and maintain a learning culture that encourages your team to try new methods and experience different results, in order to create sustainable changes. By creating an environment that fosters ongoing training (or learning) and reinforcement, it will help your sales team become more productive and efficient. As a manager, it’s up to you to challenge your team to explore new behaviors and be open to a new process, if they aren’t meeting their anticipated results.

Point Number Three: Supporting a Learning Culture Means Making it OK for People to Fail

Yes. We’re really saying it. Failure is OK. In fact, it’s a healthy part of the process of becoming better.

Here’s the reality about learning: People are at their best when they can fail within clearly identified safe spaces. In these instances, it’s OK to fail, and people can become comfortable with failure as a result.

The pressure created by many managers who stomp out the idea of failure, is the exact opposite of the environment that you want in a learning culture. It’s not about people failing to do their job. Instead, it’s about creating an environment that gives people a clear window of time or an environment where they can apply something, fail without being punished, and try again until they become more confident. This is the best way for your team to learn, retain, and implement new skills.

Point Number Four: Start with Managers

You may be surprised at how often organizations think that their initial investment of time, money, energy, and attention should be to train a team, and not the team manager. Teams can only learn with effective learning cultures in place, and learning cultures can only be proliferated through leadership that is fully bought in and well-versed in the appropriate training strategies.

We’ve all heard the saying, “It starts at the top.” Whether you realize it or not, most team members look up to their managers as a guiding force or mentor, and follow their actions. Therefore, your team will benefit greatly and be able to thrive by having the support and guidance of fully equipped leader (you) who’s committed to cultivating a positive learning culture.

As mentioned above, there are countless teachings in the book that you can help you learn how to progress with your team. Remember, the environment that you create for your sales team will have an impact on you and your team’s lasting success. With ongoing training and the opportunity to fail, your team will become more efficient and see better results. Click the link below to dive in and start working towards bettering yourself and your team, today!

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